School Enrollment
& Mitigation
Riverfront47 Market Analysis
Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania
Alpha Capital
Project Lead
Market Analysis
Balmori Associates
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Urbanomics prepared a market analysis for the proposed Riverfront 47 development located at a 47-acre former scrapyard and brownfield site in Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania across the Allegheny River from Pittsburgh. To support the Riverfront 47 development and revitalization of the Riverfront District, Urbanomics evaluated market potential in the office, retail, recreation, and housing sectors, analyzed supply and demand, proposed highest and best use scenarios for the site and evaluated user accessibility for proposed uses. For the supply and demand analyses, Urbanomics prepared gaps analyses informed by population, household and employment forecasts prepared in-house to determine current and future demand for services across each potential use type.
Fiscal and economic benefits of the project were assessed for a range of potential uses including including residential, office (general, medical, and flex R&D), retail, full and limited service restaurants as well as marina uses.