School Enrollment
& Mitigation
Environmental Impact Statements
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a report addressing the potential effects on the environment of a proposed action. Urbanomics is fully capable of preparing EIS chapters in the areas of Socioeconomics, Fiscal Impacts, and Public Space. Our analyses of existing and future conditions often utilize regional and local area customized forecasts. Our firm has prepared threshold screenings to evaluate direct and indirect residential and business displacement impacting area demographic composition and real estate market conditions. Urbanomics' residential displacement analyses have considered impacts to vulnerable populations specific to pressure on affordable rents while our business displacement screenings have evaluated adverse impacts to workers, businesses, and significant industry clusters. Urbanomics has also prepared economic assessments to understand the economic and fiscal ramifications of proposed actions including the ripple effects of these actions on local communities in terms of jobs and wages created and local business sales directly, indirectly, and induced.
Urbanomics has prepared EIS chapters as per New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) guidelines for mixed-use developments across the New York metropolitan area. Our work in New York City includes EIS socioeconomics chapters for the East Midtown Rezoning, Manhattan Public Health Lab, and North Short BRT in Staten Island in accordance with New York City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) technical manual guidelines.